Read the article at the following link from Counseling Today. (Links to an external site.)
Write a one page summary of the chapter for this week as well as the article in the link above.
Write a 2 page summary and reflection of your readings.
What stood out to you?
How do your readings relate to the self-care plan you proposed in your discussion this week. At the end of the term, WEEK 9, you will evaluate your commitment, growth, and follow-through based on the plan you had created for yourself on week 2.
Additional Resources
Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue
Wonder if you have Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, are burned out, or in fact have Compassion Satisfaction? This is a highly reliable test and is used a great deal in research on the subject.
ProQOL Measure
Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue (CSF) Test (Links to an external site.) (variation)
Psychology Today, Burnout (Links to an external site.)
There are four neat articles from Psychology Today that are relevant to us all: Why Am I so Burned Out? You Brain Needs a Break, The Fast Track to Burnout, and Take This Job and Love It are all good articles on the basics of burnout and what to do about it.
Headington Institutes Web Page for Caregivers (Links to an external site.)
This page has a brief synopsis of signs and symptoms in relation to understanding and addressing vicarious trauma.