SOC 345: Deviance and Social Control
Choose and complete two of the following essay questions.
1. Review the following articles: Jody Millers Gender and Victimization Risk Among young Women in Gangs and E. A. Armstrong, L. Hamilton, & Brian Sweeneys Sexual Assault on Campus, Compare and contrast these two subcultures by focusing on the use of power by men, womens high risk of victimization, traditional gender roles, womens social power, and other factors.
2. Review E. M. Blinde & D. E. Taubs Homophobia and Womens Sport, and M. Bemiller Men Who Cheer, then compare the stigma faced by the women in the two chapters. What factors lead some stigmatized groups to fight their social labels, while others accept these and hide their deviance?
3. Criminologist Coramae Richey Mann (1993) has argued that arrest statistics are not an accurate reflection of the crimes actually committed in our society? Do you agree? Why? Why not?
4. According to the control theory, the important question to ask is why doesnt everyone engage in deviant behavior? Provide examples of social bonds in your own life that may have kept you from engaging in deviant behavior.