How does school knowledge get constructed?
Who has a say in it?
What kind of conversations can you engage and with whom about school knowledge?
Globalizing Critical Studies of ‘Officiar Knowledge: Lessons from the Japanese History
Textbook Controversy over ‘Comfort Women’
Author(s): Keita Takayama
Source: British Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol. 30, No. 5 (Sep., 2009), pp. 577-589
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
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Accessed: 06-02-2020 23:46 UTC
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British Journal of Sociology of Education
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British Journal of Sociology of Education |T| Doutledae
Vol. 30, NO. 5, September 2009, 577-589 f ^ Taylor Doutledae & Fran Jcroup
Globalizing critical studies of ‘official’ knowledge: lessons from the
Japanese history textbook controversy over ‘comfort women’
Keita Takayama*