To access this units assigned reading for the article critique, click on Unit IV in the course navigation, and then select Amazons Bruising, Thrilling Workplace.
In a minimum of three pages, analyze the influence tactics being utilized at Amazon. In your critique, you should address the elements listed below.
What is the main premise, and what are the supporting points of the article?
What specific tactics do the leaders at Amazon utilize to motivate their employees? [Unit Learning Outcome 2.1]
How are these tactics used to promote the corporate culture at Amazon? [Unit Learning Outcome 2.1]
Do you think the leadership tactics employed by Amazon leaders are effective? Why, or why not? [Unit Learning Outcome 2.1]
Provide at least two recommendations on how to improve both the leadership tactics and the corporate culture at Amazon. [Unit Learning Outcome 2.2]
You must include at least two additional scholarly sources to support your critique, one of which may be your textbook. Click here to access a video from the CSU Online Library to learn how to find peer-reviewed articles. Be sure your submission is double-spaced and includes a title page. All sources cited must be in APA format and listed in an accompanying reference page.