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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Questions answer for Assignment
Godsey, Lisa. Interior Design Materials and Specifications. New York: Fairchild Books, 2017. Fairchild Books Interior Design Library. Web. 16 Aug. 2020. .

Accessed from: Accessed on: Sun Aug 16 2020 19:13:10 Central Daylight Time Access provided by: Oklahoma State University

Copyright © LisaGodsey. All rights reserved. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without prior permission in writing from the publishers.

Air changes per hour (ACH)

Best practices Carcinogens Coefficient of friction Commissioning agents Critical radiant flux (CRF) Ecosystems Flammability Green

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

Low-E glass Outgas Particulates Passive solar Sick building

syndrome Specification

Specify Sustainable Synthesis Third-party testing Trombe wall Volatile organic

compounds (VOCs)

Key Terms

Chapter 1


After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

• Learn about important material characteristics that will pertain to all materials in your project’s design program.

• Learn how building codes and health and sustainability guidelines affect your material choices.

• Understand how to evaluate testing data that confirms your selections comply with requirements.

• Understand when and how to produce material costs for your clients. • Understand the different spec formats and when they are used. • Understand the supply chain and all the people that you will interact with

when specifying materials. • Understand the process of selecting, specifying, and implementing your



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C H A P T E R 1 M A K I N G M A T E R I A L S E L E C T I O N S


information upon which they make important decisions is reliable and objective.

Designs that you create will be implemented only if they fall within budget constraints. It is something of a juggling act to distribute project resources among hundreds of project decisions. Completed projects not only meet your client needs but also build your reputa- tion. Projects that run out of money fail to satisfy your clients’ needs, damage your reputation, and cast a bad light on interior designers generally, so it is imperative that you fulfill project goals while managing client bud- gets responsibly.

GUIDELINES Many influences beyond client preference guide the designer’s selections, so it is helpful to understand the distinctions between the various guidelines that you will reference. While codes are always mandatory and are considered to be the minimum standard of practice, and rating systems are usually voluntary, guidelines are often referenced to help designers exceed the minimum and work toward best practices. Guidelines are frequently referenced in code and rating system requirements. To understand this better, consider the International Build- ing Code (IBC). It is a guideline that was developed as a model code, and it references standards in other guidelines to explain performance minimums that it requires. Individual jurisdictions may adopt parts of the IBC for their own local codes. Your material selections must comply with local building codes.

Building Code Designers specify materials for surfaces and items that are installed in spaces that are governed by building codes and accessibility requirements as stipulated by the ADA. Both codes and the ADA are mandatory for your selections.

Most local codes are based on model codes like the IBC. The IBC is the most commonly used model code that individual jurisdictions have utilized to create their own local building codes. It was developed by the International Code Council (ICC), a nonprofit, non- governmental organization.

Codes vary in stringency by location and occu- pancy class (building use, such as lodging or mercan- tile), increasing in stringency when risk goes up. Spaces

Understanding the content of this chapter will give you a foothold on how to evaluate the material selections that you make for your clients’ projects.

Entry-level designers are typically responsible for researching and comparing material selections and working with their project manager to determine the best from among all options discovered. For this reason, it is very important for your career that you understand how to evaluate options so you are presenting the best choices to the rest of your design team. There are rea- sons provided by codes and standards as well as reasons defined by your specific project that will indicate which materials are the best for your job.

Understanding the content of and the difference between codes, standards, and guidelines helps you prioritize your criteria for making material selections. Codes are required conditions on completed project sites. Building safety and fire codes describe these man- datory characteristics. Standards are consistent methods for testing or performance measurements. The Ameri- can National Standards Institute (ANSI), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and American Society for Test- ing and Materials (ASTM) are a few examples of orga- nizations that develop standards you will reference.

Guidelines are a way of configuring or detailing your designs to achieve a desired result. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that you incorporate the ADA Accessibility Guidelines in your designs for public spaces. The National Kitchen and Bath Associa- tion (NKBA) also has guidelines for best practices when designing kitchens and baths. There is no law mandat- ing that you must use NKBA standards, as there is in the case of the ADA, but when you design kitchens and baths, your designs will be more functional if you do.

As interior designers, we cannot always satisfy all our requirements for a material. We need to prioritize characteristics in order of importance so we can make the best decisions. You must satisfy those conditions that are mandated by law and, after those mandates are satisfied, you will also include other standards and guidelines among your considerations.

When evaluating materials, interior designers rely on testing and recommendations of numerous parties. They do not perform their own material tests, but they are still responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of their clients. Designers must carefully scrutinize third- party testing data and recommendations to be sure the

Lightly regulated:

Private space (like a residence) in stand-alone buildings ( apartment or condo building)

Used by able-bodied adults who are familiar with the premises (inhabitants stay for long duration)

Use presents no exceptional hazards

Heavily regulated:

Public spaces shared by a variety of people both publicly-owned (like schools) and privately-owned (like restaurants)

Spaces that serve vulnerable populations (like children or sick people)

Hazardous materials or processes are contained

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G U I D E l I N E S


• Ease of use (particularly in panic situations) • Visibility • Air quality

Fire safety codes stipulate resistance to flame. Flame spread ratings vary through Classes A, B, and C, with Class A being the most stringent against flame develop- ment and C being the least. All building and surfacing materials are governed by codes for commercial instal- lations, and codes also govern many residential surfaces. Testing that proves the material you specify meets minimum code standards should be done by third-party organizations such as Underwriters laboratory (Ul). Third-party testers should have no connection to the company’s products so that they are impartial. Build- ing code, also referred to as life/safety code, includes items and surfaces that you specify, such as floors, walls, ceiling surfaces, doors, stairs, ramps, and furnishings. Flammability is one of the biggest concerns for designers specifying surfacing.

Test methods include the following: Methenamine pill: The methenamine pill test tests mate- rials’ resistance to a burning object that falls on them. A pill is placed on the material and ignited. Seven out of eight samples must resist burning out from the center. Measured from center to the edge of the burn, the flame must be extinguished in less than 8 inches.

where users may be unfamiliar with the building and its exits, where vulnerable populations exist (such as the young or infirm), and that contain high-hazard areas (like restaurant kitchens) are subject to codes that are stricter than for low-risk spaces like a single-family home. Figure 1.1 illustrates the gradation.

Your career may take you into areas of design where you will evaluate selections for their resistance to impact and explosions and other less common hazards that are also governed by code. For the purposes of this general topic, we will be addressing the most typical situations. Remember that every jurisdiction develops its own code, so codes vary slightly from one jurisdiction to another. You will need to follow the local code for the project location.

Your commercial project must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA defines mandatory guidelines that must be met to accommodate people with disabilities. These guidelines do not vary with jurisdiction; the same requirements apply across the nation.

Many guidelines pertaining to interior design work govern size and configuration of spaces, but our focus here is on finishes and items that designers specify.

Guidelines pertain to

• Fire resistance • Slip resistance • Ability to be cleaned or sanitized

Figure 1.1 The spectrum of code stringency makes logical sense. This makes it easy to wrap your brain around the material restrictions that will apply to your project.

Lightly regulated:

Private space (like a residence) in stand-alone buildings ( apartment or condo building)

Used by able-bodied adults who are familiar with the premises (inhabitants stay for long duration)

Use presents no exceptional hazards

Heavily regulated:

Public spaces shared by a variety of people both publicly-owned (like schools) and privately-owned (like restaurants)

Spaces that serve vulnerable populations (like children or sick people)

Hazardous materials or processes are contained

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C H A P T E R 1 M A K I N G M A T E R I A L S E L E C T I O N S


transition, and changes greater than ½ inch require a ramp.

• Carpet may have a maximum pile height of ½ inch and must be fastened along all edges.

Sustainability Green design includes sustainable site planning, pollu- tion prevention, restoration of urban and habitat sites, accessibility of public or alternative transportation options by building occupants, storm water runoff man- agement, reduction of heat island effects, maximization of open space, reduction of light pollution, water-use reduction, energy conservation, recycling, conserva- tion of materials, sustainable practices and materials, attention to toxicity and general occupant health, and utilization of daylight in interior spaces.

Material considerations are important, not just in the sustainable characteristics of the materials themselves but also in the assembly of the materials into building components that work together to create sustainable options. Energy-efficient windows are an example of such a construction: two panes of specially formulated or coated low-E glass are separated by an insulating space. Material considerations are also part of integrated design elements interacting with each other in the environ- ment. For instance, dense materials assist passive solar systems by absorbing radiant heat from the sun during the day and releasing it at night, evening out the load on heating systems with constructions such as a trombe wall or dense flooring material. Building in accordance with sustainable principles is no longer an option because many building codes now require sustainable solutions.

The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) has been a leader in defining sustainable principles, having developed the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system for evalu- ating the effectiveness of building designs in achieving sustainability. This system is separate from building codes, and compliance with lEED standards is optional. The lEED system awards points for meeting specified criteria. Buildings can achieve a silver, gold, or platinum certification depending on how many sustainable char- acteristics are incorporated into the design.

Green, or sustainable, materials and products you specify will have one or more of the characteristics from Table 1.1. The more green characteristics that a product exemplifies, the greener it is.

Steiner tunnel test: The Steiner tunnel test involves a 25-foot chamber and gas jets. The material is adhered to the top of the chamber, and gas jets burn for 10 minutes. The distance of burn indicates the rating from 0 to 200. Asbestos is 0; oak flooring is 100, considered a moderate burn rate. Class A materials have a flame spread rating of 0 to 25; Class B, from 26 to 75; and Class C, from 76 to 200. Class D ranges from 200 to 500. Class D material is not permitted even in one-family and two-family dwellings. Class D decorative paneling has been implicated in a number of fatal fires.

Chamber test: The chamber test is similar to the Steiner tunnel test, but material is placed on the floor of the chamber. The rating system has only two classifications, B and C, so a descriptive scale is difficult. Also, the relationship between the rating and fire spread has not been proven.

Radiant panel test: The radiant panel test entails placing a sample on the floor of the test chamber and heating the sample using a gas-fired panel mounted at an angle over it. The amount of energy required to sustain flame in the sample is measured and described as critical radiant flux or CRF (flux here refers to the flow of heat energy). The greater the energy required, the higher the number, mean- ing more resistance to flame, so low numbers indi- cate higher flammability. This test is usually used for flooring materials.

ADA REQUIREMENTS In addition to regulating space planning and clearance issues, the ADA governs product and material selec- tion with the aim of creating environments that can be safely used by people with disabilities. The following are examples of how product selections that you will make to complete your project will be governed by the ADA.

Flooring materials:

• These materials must be level and flush with sur- rounding surfaces.

• Slip resistance must meet a coefficient of friction greater than 0.6.

• Changes in height ¼ inch or less require no transi- tion, but changes up to ½ inch require a beveled

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A D A R E q U I R E M E N T S


• Harvesting raw material—Is the source location dev- astated or remediated after raw material is collected?

• Manufacturing—Were environmental consider- ations such as pollution and water and energy use addressed in the manufacturing process?

When researching how green a product is, consider not only the product characteristics but also the manu- facture, installation, use, maintenance, removal and disposal. Is it green along the course of its entire life? The life of the goods includes the following:

Table 1.1 Several characteristics contribute to a material’s sustainability. An ideal material would meet all criteria but such a material is rare.

Characteristic Meaning Examples

Renewable More of the material can be produced. Plant or animal based so can grow more. Recycled content that will continue to become available.

lumber, jute, leather

Sustainable The time and resources needed to produce the material. Managed forestry

Recyclable The material can be put to some other use at the end of its current use.

Used concrete can be broken and become aggregate in new concrete work

Recycled Material that would have gone to a landfill is used as an ingredient in new products.

Down-cycling—Used products are turned into items of less value than the original item.

Old carpet turned into car bumpers for parking lots

Up-cycling—Used products are turned into items of greater value than the original item.

Recycled newspaper turned into solid surfacing for countertops

Cradle-to-cradle—Old products turned into new versions of themselves.

Carpet fiber reclaimed and turned into new carpet fiber

Postconsumer—The item has been used and was destined for a landfill when it was diverted from the waste stream into a new purpose.

Aluminum cans recycled into aluminum for storm doors

Preconsumer—Scraps from production are cycled back into the material stream at a fabricator’s place of manufacture.

Glass trimmings from production are melted into new batches of glass

Durable This refers to the physical fitness of the material for its intended location as well as the longevity of its design.

Stone mosaics in the Pantheon

Adaptability The item can be reused in its current form in a new location.

Carpet tiles moved to a new facility

low-embodied energy

little energy was consumed in producing and transport- ing the item. Materials that are regionally manufactured or regionally harvested.

Using stone from a local quarry rather than an overseas source

Sustainably maintained

The material does not require excessive maintenance for its location.

Porcelain tile that can be easily maintained without the use of noxious chemicals

Nontoxic Compounds that are unhealthy for humans and the envi- ronment are not used.

Specify inert components that do not off-gas VOCs so they do not affect indoor air quality (IAq)

Biodegradable Material that will deteriorate harmlessly into safe components.

Specify plant-based materials that are not treated with toxic chemicals and will degrade into harmless components when exposed to living organisms if possible

Carbon neutral Production of the material does not increase the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

Select materials that have low energy use or manufacturers that offset carbon dioxide by, say, planting trees

Remanufactured Material that is reworked to extend its life. Carpeting is one example of a material that can be overprinted to refresh its appearance if it “uglies out” before it wears out

Reuse Secondhand items salvaged from other sites. Architectural salvage and furniture have established markets so convenient reuse of some product categories is available

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C H A P T E R 1 M A K I N G M A T E R I A L S E L E C T I O N S


• Antimony—Found in fire-retardant finishes—is an ingredient in halides, used in flame retardants.

• Arsenic—Found in pressure-treated lumber—is a naturally occurring heavy metal used as a preserva- tive. long-term exposure to arsenic has been linked to cancer of the bladder, lungs, skin, kidneys, nasal passages, liver, and prostate.

• Bisphenol A (BPA)—Found in paints, coatings, and adhesives—is responsible for reproductive dysfunction.

• Cadmium—Found in plastics and pigments—is a heavy metal used in pigments for red, orange, and yellow and causes brittle bones and kidney damage.

• Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)—Found in solvents— are a synthetic chemical that react with chemicals high in the atmosphere, resulting in the depletion of the earth’s protective ozone layer.

• Dioxin—Generated during the manufacture of materials containing polyvinyl chloride (flooring, wallcoverings, paint, plastic liners, etc.) and in bleaching and incineration as part of the produc- tion of materials used in interiors—is a component of plastic released when it breaks down or is burned in landfills. Dioxin is toxic and bioaccumulative (not flushed from our bodies and does not break down in the food chain) and causes endocrine problems.

• Formaldehyde—Found in sheet building products, textile resins, and glues—is a cancer-causing, volatile organic compound outgassed in paints, glue adhesives, and laminates.

• Furans—Found in some grouting products, in the energy derived from burning fuel, and used in the synthesis of nylon—are bioaccumulative toxins that are also suspected carcinogens.

• Halogenated compounds—Commonly used to make flame retardants and in polyurethane foam for upholstery—are persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemicals thought to cause neurological and repro- ductive problems and are banned by the EU.

• Lead—Found in existing paint finishes—is a toxic, bioaccumulative heavy metal.

• Mercury—Found in electrical switches and fluo- rescent lamps—is a toxic, bioaccumulative heavy metal.

• Packing and shipping—Was minimal packaging used, and were shipping distances short?

• Preparation and installation—Was minimal site prep required, and was it free of chemicals that outgas?

• Use and maintenance—Can it be used without damaging people and the environment and be maintained without solvents?

• Removal and disposal—Can it be removed without excessive damage and reused or recycled?

Nontoxic Materials Sustainable design has quite naturally assumed the issue of toxicity (the degree to which a substance is poison- ous) within its domain, since what is bad for our systems is often also bad for ecosystems. This materials topic centers on volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the chemical sensitivities of individuals, and carcinogens.

Because VOCs are volatile, they can change states from a solid or liquid to a gas. These gasses and particulates together affect indoor air quality (IAq). The solvents in paint thinner are an example of such compounds. You would never dream of sipping these solvents from a cup, but you are ingesting them when you breathe the fumes of these volatile compounds after they have changed from a liquid to a gas. Because these compounds are organic, they can interact with our bod- ies’ processes and mechanisms. There is a wide range of tolerance among different people. Some people’s bodies react dramatically to chemicals in their environment, whereas others report no ill effects because of their bod- ies’ current ability to achieve a healthy stasis. While IAq can be improved with more sophisticated venti- lation equipment that manages how much fresh air is provided—air changes per hour or ACH—it is much better to specify materials that do not emit VOCs.

Sick building syndrome is another issue related to air quality. For a variety of reasons, some buildings have a higher incidence of illness among the people who work or live in them. Often the culprit is mold in HVAC ducts, but chemicals in the air are also frequently to blame.

Common Carcinogens While the following list is not exhaustive, carcinogens and other toxic materials often specified by interior designers include the following:

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T H I R D – P A R T Y O R G A N I z A T I O N S


• Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)—Found in stain repellents—are thought to cause thyroid problems and some cancers.

• Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)—Used in paint, plastic, and rubber—are bioaccumulative and are cancer-causing in humans.

• Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)—Common plastic, 70 percent of which is used in building industries and found in fabric, furniture, and finishes—is linked to the production of dioxin in the atmo- sphere and requires many harmful additives (heavy metals and plasticizers like phthalates).

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), volatile organic compounds are up to ten times more concentrated in interior environments than in the open. Another problem being encountered comes from the synergy or interaction between two or more different chemicals. Two chemicals that may out- gas are not problematic by themselves, but when they meet each other, they bond, thus forming a chemical with different properties than the two original constitu- ents; this third chemical can be problematic.

Protection Against Toxins Vigilance against toxins prompts us to

1. Specify inert material that will not chemically react or interact with organic systems; material with no VOCs.

2. Specify material that will outgas quickly or has had enough time to outgas sufficiently.

3. Encapsulate toxic material in a nontoxic material.

Environmental Costs Design and building decisions are always price driven. The value of the result is compared to the cost of acquir- ing it. This cost is typically evaluated in terms of dollars alone, which is incomplete for obvious reasons. When comparing two materials, you should consider a num- ber of factors beyond cost. For example, materials and finishes that outgas harm not only end users but also the fabricators who handle them, and they poison the environment.

Consideration 1.1 Toxicity directly addresses the effect that the product’s “ingredients” have on the human body, but interestingly enough, often the things that are bad for human beings are also bad for ecosystems. When you avoid toxic materials for your client’s sake, you are usually preserving the health of the environment as well.

When calculating the full costs, consider not only the price in dollars but also the sustainability (minimi- zation of harm to the ecological balance of the earth) and social impacts. Sometimes companies circumvent high environmental safety standards and workplace safety standards in the United States by moving manu- facturing to places where polluters are not prosecuted and workers are not protected by laws requiring a living wage or safe working conditions. Companies may locate facilities in impoverished areas where they provide jobs, but if they do not contribute to the formation of a stable community in the process, they may pull out …

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