Week 3 Case Study
You will post one thread of at least 500 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 1 scholarly citation in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, etc.
You are caring for a patient who has been diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer, with metastasis to the lungs and spinal cord. Over the past three months, you have bonded with the patient and her family. You have spent time with her husband, three children, and her extended family. One day while you are giving ordered pain medications, she tells you she is in severe pain, and the current order for Morphine 2 mg every 4 hours is not managing the pain well. In fact, her pain score is 10 on a 0-10 scale. You call the provider to advocate for additional pain medication measures. While waiting for a return call, the patient tells you she is ready to die. She asks for your assistance in committing suicide.
1. Offer an overview of the ANA White Paper (attached) provided in the Learn folder.
2. Answer the following questions:
· Where does the Christian Worldview clash with that of the Secular Humanistic Worldview (or other religious worldviews)?
· Does the ANA White Paper support a Christian Worldview, the Secular Humanistic Worldview, or another religious worldview?
· The term “euthanasia” has been replaced with the phrase “aid in dying” in this most recent white paper. It has been said that “he who controls the language controls the masses”. How does this apply to the choice of terms in this white paper?
3. Apply the Christian Worldview and the Secular Humanistic Worldview (or other religious worldviews) to the case study.
· How do you respond? How does your response show your worldview?
· What recommendations do you have for the patient?