Writing Project 2: Comparative Analysis of Rhetorical Approaches Taken When Constructing Arguments for Expert and Non-Expert Audiences Introduction: Academics, researchers, scholars, and scientists...
Activity: Thesis Identification The reading this week stresses the importance of thesis statements, so let’s take a moment to determine your thesis statement before you begin building more...
A critical analysis essay. 2.5 pages A critical analysis essay you systematically evaluate a work’s effectiveness including what it does well and what it does poorly. write a critical analysis...
3-6 Assignment: Writing Plan Sports Management Writing Plan: Use this writing plan as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your critical analysis essay. This process...
quiz Question 1: The readings for “Topic 3: Fieldwork” all touched on, to varying degrees, ethical concerns related to the idea of doing ethnography. Did the readings and video raise...
works cited page Create and submit the Works Cited page for your Research paper. Your Works Cited page should follow MLA 8th Edition guidelines. A sample works cited page can be found in Lesson 8....