Two (2) journal architecture articles or theses that interest you. Write analyzing, comparing and contrasting the literature review or background information of these two theses. You can use the...
Popular Questions - Architecture and Design
1.5 page Write a one and half page about: How did the invention of the automobile affect city life and city form? Some points to think about may include: 1) Provides mobility for jobs and...
How has the proliferation of mobile devices affected IT professionals? 300 to 500 words; APA style; include at least two in-text citations and references
Write a short paragraph: Discuss Technology as related to Animation. What technologies are new to you? Do you know of any others that were not discussed that you find interesting? Do you think...
Powerpoint presentation CSMT 350: Green Building Design and Construction Fieldwork (40 points) As a sustainability professional, your company has asked you to conduct a survey of a project and...
This week’s module focuses on streetscape design. Based on the week’s content, we will experiment with a simple and quick streetscape redesign project, which should also help you with...