1. Know the differences between classical and operant conditioning.
2. Understand Positive and Negative Reinforcement, as well as Positive and Negative Punishment.
3. Understand primary and generalized / conditioned / secondary (these are all the same thing) reinforcers.
4. Understand Skinners biography.
5. Know about reinforcement schedules and continuous, variable, fixed and intermittent types.
6. Know how Skinner views internal processes, and what he considers internal processes.
7. Understand what Skinner believed shaped human behavior.
8. Know what Skinner thought about punishment.
9. Understand extinction.
10. Know what Skinners approach is called.
11. Know what Skinner thought about freedom.
12. Be prepared for scenarios where you must identify terms and processes.
1. Know what Bandura felt about depression and its causes.
2. Understand collective efficacy and proxy agency.
3. Understand what happens when the model is punished.
4. Know what Bandura means by human agency.
5. Know and understand the components of self-regulation.
6. Understand what contributes to self-efficacy.
7. Know the disengagement techniques well enough to identify them in scenarios.
8. Understand the Triadic Reciprocal Causation Theory.
9. Know how Bandura explains deviant behavior.
10. Know about Banduras systematic desensitization.
11. Understand efficacy expectations and outcome expectations.
12. Know about chance encounters and fortuitus events.
13. Understand how vicarious learning is affected by the model.
14. Know how Skinners theory and Banduras theory are similar and different.