Using the presentation software of your choice, I want you to translate the TED Talk you watched into a slide-based presentation for conveying the information.
This exercise is to push you to consider the delicate balance between the amount of content on slides alongside the amount of lecture (i.e. talking about/beyond/over slides) a good lecture needs.
Consider when you watching a lecture, especially in-person. If there is a lot of text on the slide, you may notice most people struggling to get all of the information into their notes, usually not able to get much of anything written down from the lecture itself. This is obviously not good since the point of the additional lecture is to give the deeper understandings (text on slides for a large portion of your professors is basically “here are the headlines, listen for the important aspects of the story). On top of this, though, I find that students do not stay engaged with classes that are lecture only (i.e. no slides). One of the reasons that TED Talks can work so well with minimal slides is that ability to re-watch/pause/adjust speed. Most presentations do not occur in this fashion, though, so it’s a delicate balance. To push you to really consider where focus needs to lie, you’ll be working to translate a lecture-heavy presentation into a set of presentation slides you’d be more likely to see in one of your in-person classes.
Exercise #4 Part 2 Creating Presentations
TED Talks give a preference for the spoken aspects of talks, requiring quite a bit on the audience regarding focus and recall. Using the TED Talk you viewed for Exercise #4 Part 2 and create a simple presentation that would offer you the opportunity as a viewer to keep track of the major points, similar to what youll need to do for your final presentation. Consider the TED Talk world and pay close attention to the audience: very few folks are taking notes. Across the talks there is a lot of information, and regularly very specific and detailed claims. TED Talks often take the form of entertainment but are also beneficial for learning, so I want you to treat this like you were at an actual lecture.
SS3A Exercise #4 Part 1
Week 5 Exercise Part 1 Critiquing Presentations
Topic chosen: Sociology
Title of TED Talk you watched: What it means to be a Refugee
Who is the speaker? Also, what are their credentials to give this talk?
The speaker in the TED talk is Benedetta Berti and Evelien Borgman. Evelien Borgan works as
the senior academy fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations. She is a trainer
in negotiation skills and portrays the ability to provide a sociology talk regarding the status of
refugees across the globe. Benedetta Berti is a researcher and a senior TED fellow emerging
from Italy. She is also a lecturer, consultant, and author that exhibits the ability to provide an
overview of refugees across the globe.
What is the thesis of this talk?
The thesis of the designated talk is the critical status of the refugees and their difference from
migrants across the globe. It depicts the initial causes of refugees and the nature of survival
criteria that they undergo to adapt to the new environment and country. The talk implies that
refugees differ from migrants as reasons for escape from their nationality. The refugees flee from
violence and conflicts that can induce persecution (Borgman, 2022). The migrants flee to other
nations to look for better economic status and standards. Refugees first seek asylum once they
enter the new country and become asylum seekers.
Did you find this an engaging talk? Why or why not?
I found this talk engaging because the authors utilize semantics that attracts my attention to the
topic and more interest in the next event. The talk is engaging because the author utilizes the
elements of language that involve my thinking capacity. There is a state of dilemma in how they
talk ends, leaving one with the aspect of underlying interest in the status of these refugees.
What are the strengths of this talk?
The strengths of the designated talk by the authors entail the following; teaching sociology on
the living conditions of the refugees inspires the conversion of the existing perception of the
refugees. The nature of underlying individuals within diverse nations has been presented in an
atmosphere that can embrace change within the designated environment. It also offers advice on
the government for the existing nature of events exhibiting international relations.
What are the weaknesses of this talk?
The major weakness of the designated talk is the length it exhibits. It is short and offers a limited
range of information from both sides of the atmosphere and the underlying environment. The
information presented does not offer a comprehensive approach to the designated audience
regarding the actual status of the refugees and immigrants within the environment (Borgman,
2022). The talk is not authorized and justified by the existing board of regulation.
What things are you still wondering about after viewing this talk?
After viewing the talk, Im still wondering about the survival nature of refugees within the host
country. The deprivation state of the labor market is one of the most inhumane acts Im still
wondering about. It is one of the essential requirements that the designated individuals can
exploit to increase the survival rate and other underlying acts.
Do you feel like you know more about this topic after viewing this video? Why or
why not?
Yes, I learned more about the topic after viewing the talk. This is because the talk offers a wide
range of dimensions that relate to the refugees and their status in the host country. The
information has made it easy for me to understand the topic from a comprehensive view. I have
been observing the issue in the international journals regarding the status of the refugees. The
talk offered additional information regarding the topic.
What, if anything, do you wish they had incorporated into this talk?
The worksheet should have included the maximum duration one should have in the host country
before applying for citizenship and if there are any chances of becoming a citizen.
Borgman, B., 2022. What does it mean to be a refugee? [online] Ted.com. Available at:
o_be_a_refugee_mar_2018 [Accessed 17 August 2022].
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