We need to apply the marketing plan to our product
Product: Amaz-in.com
Who we are
We are an online e-commerce company specializing in selling almost everything you will need in your daily life. The difference is, you would not need to break the bank for it. We think we are more amaz-in than our peers at Amazon since we intend to involve with our clients at a more personal level so as to provide a better end-to-end experience at a lower cost.
How we do it
Our inventory consists of millions of products ranging from electronics, apparels, pet supplies to bikes. However, we do it a bit differently with respect to our peers such as Amazon or Alibaba. We cater to the needs of the customer by differentiating our choices and methods in the following ways:
· In-house logistics( Ex Shipping and delivering): We do not believe much in the middleware, hence we have our own logistics operation who deal with everything from packaging, shipping and refunds. By reducing our reliance on other companies to deliver our products, we are able to substantially reduce our product costs and also remove the uncontrollable factors in our business, therefore giving us total control over our supply chain process. Our in-house delivery tracking systems are state-of-the-art, and we have a higher on-time delivery success rate than any of our competitors. Customers do not need to deal with other companies to track the product or contact them in case of missed deliveries, but rather use our website and Android/Apple apps to always be updated.
· Cash-on-delivery(Ex: flexible payment options like flipkaart): We are the only e-commerce company in the US who provide cash on delivery services. We understand that customers sometimes need to see a product in-person in order to ensure that they made the right choice, hence we offer this service on numerous products. We feel customers should be able to trust us completely in order to do business, and therefore we took the first step in this relationship by providing this service.
· Community engagement (ex: Reaching out to all types of customers): Communities foster healthy relationships within the society, and we try to do our bit by engaging with different communities.
Andrews, T. A. (2013). Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, Ninth Edition . Mason: South-Western.
Cohen, W. A. (2006). The Marketing Plan. Danvers, MA, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Council, F. B. (2019, March 26). Six Community Engagement Strategies To Help Companies Give Back And Gain Business. Retrieved from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinessdevelopmentcouncil/2019/03/26/six-community-engagement-strategies-to-boost-local-connections-and-garner-positive-pr/#e695e6d36a8c