Evaluate Validities
Analysis of the Experiment
Analysis of the Experiment
Description of the Experiment
The research involves how perception about other people is linked with judgments about those others. The research question was based on the notion that understanding other people results in better understanding of why people believe what they do. Increased understanding would lead to deeper insight into how to reduce treatment disparities across social groups and individuals. Basically, the research intended to establish the impact of perception on the judgment of other people. It shows how individual differences in people influence our understanding of them.
How the Study is designed to answer the Question
The study is designed to collect information on peoples perception towards images. The research utilized the survey research design, where participants were required to view images of faces and rate how explicitly or implicitly prejudice each individual pictured was. Moring (2014) indicates that survey research design is ideal when collecting information involving peoples perception of a phenomenon. Similarly, the research used survey research to determine participants perceptions of images. There are other research designs that could have been utilized such as field experiments, systematic reviews or case studies, but he survey design was the most effective in giving insight into the participants responses.
The participants were required to rate how prejudiced each person was. The research was testing how the participants perceptions of other people determine how they rate them. In the event that a participant would perceive a person on the image as having explicit prejudice, the participants perception of the person would have led to the judgment. The same case applies on judgments involving people on the images that are rated as not having explicit prejudice. The participants perception of the individual would have led to the judgment. Therefore, the main aim of the research is to evaluate the participants perception of an individual and how it leads to judgments about them. The survey research design effectively captures the participants perceptions towards other people. Therefore, it is an ideal research design as it gives insight into the participants perceptions of the subjects.
The instruments of measurement used in the study enhanced the internal validity of research. The research design was valid as the findings represented the phenomenon that was being studies. The main phenomenon under study is individual perception towards others and how it influences how we perceive others. The survey research design is intended to collect in-depth information pertaining to a phenomenon. In this case, the survey method collected data involving the participants perception of other people and how it influenced their decision on whether the people were prejudiced.
The research was externally valid based on the descriptive explicitness of the independent variable. The independent variable in the research is the different categories of people while the dependent variable is the participants perceptions. The images of faces were quite descriptive, which enabled the participants to recognize the differences between the individuals and how the differences influenced their perception of the people.
The research hypothesis is whether participants would be able to assess explicit prejudice just from images of target faces alone. Explicit prejudice refers to a negative attitude against a group of people that is consciously held, though not expressed publicly. For the hypothesis to be confirmed, participants must accurately decipher cues to make impressions about the faces on the images.
Moring, B. (2014). Research methods in psychology: Evaluating a world of information. WW Norton & Company.