PSYC 291: Environmental Survey
Fall 2019
Environmental Attitudes
Milfont, T., & Duckitt, J. (2010). The environmental attitudes inventory: A valid and reliable measure to assess the structure of environmental attitudes. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(1), 80-94.
Please rate your agreement with these statements.
Strongly Agree
A1. If things continue on their present course, we will soon experience a major ecological catastrophe.
A2. When humans interfere with nature it often produces disastrous consequences.
A3. Humans are severely abusing the environment.
A4. The idea that we will experience a major ecological catastrophe if things continue on their present course is misguided nonsense. (R)
A5. It is all right for humans to use nature as a resource for economic purposes.
A6. Protecting peoples jobs is more important than protecting the environment.
A7. People have been giving far too little attention to how human progress has been damaging the environment. (R)
A8. Protecting the environment is more important than protecting economic growth. (R)
A9. We should no longer use nature as a resource for economic purposes. (R)
A10. The bene?ts of modern consumer products are more important than the pollution that results from their production and use.
Political Attitudes
Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics (2019). Survey of young Americans attitudes toward politics and public service. Retrieved from Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics Website:
P1. When it comes to voting, with which party do you consider yourself to be affiliated?
Strong Democrat
Not a very strong Democrat
Strong Republican
Not a very strong Republican
P2. When it comes to most political issues, do you think of yourself as a…?
P3. Do you consider yourself to be a proud member of your party, or not?
Yes, I am proud
No, I am not
P4. How likely is it that you will vote in the general election for President in November 2020?
Definitely will be voting
Probably will be voting
Probably won’t be voting
Definitely won’t be voting
P5. How likely is it that you will vote in your states primary or caucus for President in 2020?
Definitely will be voting
Probably will be voting
Probably won’t be voting
Definitely won’t be voting
P6. Thinking about national issues for a moment, which issue concerns you most?
National Debt/budget deficit
Financial Stability
Environment/Global Warming
President Trump/Ineffective leadership
Health Care
Racial Issues
Gun Control/Second Amendment Issues
Government/Political Corruption
Political Partisanship/Divide
Moral Issues
Equality/Equal Rights
Womens Rights
Foreign Policy
P7. Approximately how many times a day do you check your phone (including social media)
for news and current events related content?
0 times
1-5 times
6-10 times
11-20 times
21+ times
P8. On which of the following platforms, if any, do regularly access for news and current events related content? (multiple responses allowed)
None of them
Below is a list of statements about politics. Do you agree or disagree with these statements?
Strongly Agree
P9. Donald Trump cares about people like me.
P10. The Republican party cares about people like me.
P11. The Democratic party cares about people like me.
P12. Voters who are part of the Baby Boomer generation (age 55 to 73) care about people like me.
P13. Elected officials who are part of the Baby Boomer generation (age 55 to 73) care about people like me.
P14. Community service is an honorable thing to do.
P15. I want to do what I can to help unite, not further divide, America.
P16. Elected officials seem to be motivated by selfish reasons.
P17. I am confident that I will be allowed to cast a ballot and have it counted in the 2020 Presidential election.
P18. Despite our challenges, I would rather live in America than any other place.
P19. Elected officials dont seem to have the same priorities I have.
P20. I feel like the government does not represent the America I love.
P21. Politics has become too partisan.
P22. I feel like I need more practical information about politics before I get involved.
P23. Politics today are no longer able to meet the challenges our country is facing.
P24. People like me dont have any say about what the government does.
P25. Running for office is an honorable thing to do.
P26. I dont believe my vote will make a real difference.
P27. The idea of working in some form of public service is appealing to me.
P28. Political involvement rarely has any tangible results.
P29. The results of my previous involvement in politics have left me disappointed.
P30. Politics is not relevant to my life right now.
P31. It really doesnt matter to me who the President is.
P32. Based on the current state of the economy, how easy or difficult do you think it will be for students in your class to find a permanent job upon graduation?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Environmental Behaviors
Oreg, S., Katz-Gerro, T. (2006). Predicting proenvironmental behavior cross-nationally: Values, the theory of planned behavior, and value-belief-norm theory. Environment and Behavior, 38(4), 462-483.
Lynn, P. (2014). Distinguishing dimensions of pro-environmental behavior. ISER Working Paper Series, No. 2014-19, University of Essex, Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), Colchester.
Please rate the extent to which you do the following:
B1. Leave your TV on at night. (R)
B2. Switch off lights in rooms that arent being used.
B3. Keep the tap running while you brush your teeth. (R)
B4. Put more clothes on when you feel cold rather than putting the heating on or turning it up.
B5. Decide not to buy something because you feel it has too much packaging.
B6. Buy recycled paper products such as toilet paper or tissues.
B7. Take your own shopping bag when shopping.
B8. Use public transportation rather than travel by car.
B9. Walk or bike for trips less than two or three miles.
B10. Car share with others who need to make a similar trip.
B11. Take fewer flights
B12. In the winter, I keep the heat at such a temperature that I can wear light clothing inside my house. (R)
B13. In winter, I leave the windows of my house open for long periods of time to air the house. (R)
B14. In winter, I turn off the heat in my house at night.
B15. In winter, when I leave my house for more than 30 minutes, I turn off the heat.
B16. I make the most use out of natural light.
B17. I turn off any lights I am not using.
B18. I unplug any electrical appliances I am not using.
B19. I buy biodegradable detergents to wash laundry.
B20. I buy organic products.
B21. I buy rechargeable batteries.
B22. I buy energy-efficient light bulbs.
B23. I buy products in reusable or returnable containers.
B24. After spending a day outside, I leave the site as clean as it was when I got there.
B25. I visit national parks and/or nature reserves.
B26. I try to repair leaky faucets quickly.
B27. I leave the water running in the shower until it reaches the proper temperature. (R)
B28. I try to turn off the faucet when I brush my teeth.
B29. I wait until I have a full load of laundry before putting it in the washing machine.
B30. I drive in such a way to minimize the amount of gas I consume.
B31. I sort papers and cardboard for recycling.
Environmental Knowledge
Murphy, T. P. (2004). The Second Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy. The Second Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy. Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. Retrieved from
OBrien, S. R. (2007). Indications of environmental literacy: Using a new survey instrument to measure awareness, knowledge, and attitudes of university-aged students. Retrieved from
K1. Compared to other students in your college and/or department, how
much do you feel you know about environmental issues and problems in general?
1. A lot
2. A reasonable amount
3. A little
4. Almost nothing
5. Nothing
6. Don’t know
K2. What are your primary sources for environmental information? Check as many as applicable:
1. TV
2. Radio
3. Internet
4. Magazines
5. Newspaper
6. Classes/courses
7. Books
8. Library
9. Friends/ relatives
10. Other
11. None
K3. During the past 10 years, do you think that the overall quality of the planet’s environment has
1. Improved a lot
2. Somewhat improved
3. Stayed the same
4. Somewhat declined
5. Declined a lot
6. Don’t know
K4. What is the most common cause of pollution of streams, rivers and oceans?
Dumping of garbage by cities,
Surface water running off yards, city streets, paved lots, and farm fields,**
Trash washed into the ocean from beaches
Waste from factories
K5. Thinking about the country as a whole, how is most of the electricity in the U.S. generated?
By burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil,**
With nuclear power
Through solar energy
At hydroelectric power plants
K6. Carbon monoxide is a major contributor to air pollution in the U.S. Which of the following is the biggest source of carbon monoxide?
Factories and businesses
People breathing
Motor vehicles**
K7. What is one of the main benefits of wetlands?
Help to control global climate change
Help filter and store water before it enters lakes, streams, rivers or oceans**
Prevent the spread of undesirable plants and animals
Provide good sites for landfills
K8. What do you think is the main cause of global climate change, that is, the warming of the planet Earth?
A recent increase in oxygen in the atmosphere
Sunlight radiating more strongly through a hole in the upper ozone layer
More carbon emissions from autos, homes and industry**
Increased activity from volcanoes worldwide
You dont believe there is global climate change
K9. Many communities are concerned about running out of space in their community trash dumps and landfills. The greatest source of landfill material is
Disposable diapers
Lawn and garden clippings, trimmings and leaves
Paper products including newspapers, cardboard and packing**
Glass and plastic bottles and aluminum and steel cans
K10. Where does most of the energy that people use worldwide come from?
1. Fossil fuels***
2. Wind power
3. Hydro power
4. Nuclear power
5. Don’t know
K11. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?
1. White-tailed deer
2. Fresh water
3. Oil ***
4. Trees
5. Don’t know
K12. To maintain healthy woodlands and forests, we must:
1. Leave them alone
2. Check them every 40-50 years
3. Carefully manage them, including some trimming and cutting ***
4. Maintain abundant wildlife populations
5. None of the above
K13. Sustainable agriculture aims to…
1. Produce enough food to sustain human society
2. Meet the demand for food at any costs
3. Produce enough food while maintaining stable economic costs
4. Produce enough food while maintaining a stable environment
5. Meet the requirement for food while maintaining a healthy social, economic, and
ecological environment ***
6. Don’t know
K14. What is the most common cause for plant and animal species to become extinct?
1. Predation by other species
2. Habitat loss and fragmentation ***
3. Temperature change
4. Competition between species
5. Don’t know
K15. If one is to say a species exceeded the carrying capacity of its habitat, it means that:
1. It no longer has enough food, water, and cover available to sustain the species in its current condition for an indefinite future ***
2. It no longer has enough food, water, and cover available to sustain the species at all anymore
3. It no longer has enough food, water, and cover available to share with other species
4. None of the above
5. Don’t know
Demographic Questions
Written by researchers
Please answer the following demographic questions.
Preferred Gender
Black/African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Age __________
Name (for credit granting purposes only, your name will be deleted once credit is given)
Applied Sciences
Architecture and Design
Business & Finance
Computer Science
Environmental science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Political Science
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PSYC 291 Environmental Survey
Fall 2019
Environmental Attitudes
Milfont, T., & Duckitt, J. (2010). The environmental attitudes inventory: A valid and reliable measure to assess the structure of environmental attitudes. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(1), 80-94.
Please rate your agreement with these statements.
Strongly Agree
A1. If things continue on their present course, we will soon experience a major ecological catastrophe.
A2. When humans interfere with nature it often produces disastrous consequences.
A3. Humans are severely abusing the environment.
A4. The idea that we will experience a major ecological catastrophe if things continue on their present course is misguided nonsense. (R)
A5. It is all right for humans to use nature as a resource for economic purposes.
A6. Protecting peoples jobs is more important than protecting the environment.
A7. People have been giving far too little attention to how human progress has been damaging the environment. (R)
A8. Protecting the environment is more important than protecting economic growth. (R)
A9. We should no longer use nature as a resource for economic purposes. (R)
A10. The bene?ts of modern consumer products are more important than the pollution that results from their production and use.
Political Attitudes
Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics (2019). Survey of young Americans attitudes toward politics and public service. Retrieved from Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics Website:
P1. When it comes to voting, with which party do you consider yourself to be affiliated?
Strong Democrat
Not a very strong Democrat
Strong Republican
Not a very strong Republican
P2. When it comes to most political issues, do you think of yourself as a…?
P3. Do you consider yourself to be a proud member of your party, or not?
Yes, I am proud
No, I am not
P4. How likely is it that you will vote in the general election for President in November 2020?
Definitely will be voting
Probably will be voting
Probably won’t be voting
Definitely won’t be voting
P5. How likely is it that you will vote in your states primary or caucus for President in 2020?
Definitely will be voting
Probably will be voting
Probably won’t be voting
Definitely won’t be voting
P6. Thinking about national issues for a moment, which issue concerns you most?
National Debt/budget deficit
Financial Stability
Environment/Global Warming
President Trump/Ineffective leadership
Health Care
Racial Issues
Gun Control/Second Amendment Issues
Government/Political Corruption
Political Partisanship/Divide
Moral Issues
Equality/Equal Rights
Womens Rights
Foreign Policy
P7. Approximately how many times a day do you check your phone (including social media)
for news and current events related content?
0 times
1-5 times
6-10 times
11-20 times
21+ times
P8. On which of the following platforms, if any, do regularly access for news and current events related content? (multiple responses allowed)
None of them
Below is a list of statements about politics. Do you agree or disagree with these statements?
Strongly Agree
P9. Donald Trump cares about people like me.
P10. The Republican party cares about people like me.
P11. The Democratic party cares about people like me.
P12. Voters who are part of the Baby Boomer generation (age 55 to 73) care about people like me.
P13. Elected officials who are part of the Baby Boomer generation (age 55 to 73) care about people like me.
P14. Community service is an honorable thing to do.
P15. I want to do what I can to help unite, not further divide, America.
P16. Elected officials seem to be motivated by selfish reasons.
P17. I am confident that I will be allowed to cast a ballot and have it counted in the 2020 Presidential election.
P18. Despite our challenges, I would rather live in America than any other place.
P19. Elected officials dont seem to have the same priorities I have.
P20. I feel like the government does not represent the America I love.
P21. Politics has become too partisan.
P22. I feel like I need more practical information about politics before I get involved.
P23. Politics today are no longer able to meet the challenges our country is facing.
P24. People like me dont have any say about what the government does.
P25. Running for office is an honorable thing to do.
P26. I dont believe my vote will make a real difference.
P27. The idea of working in some form of public service is appealing to me.
P28. Political involvement rarely has any tangible results.
P29. The results of my previous involvement in politics have left me disappointed.
P30. Politics is not relevant to my life right now.
P31. It really doesnt matter to me who the President is.
P32. Based on the current state of the economy, how easy or difficult do you think it will be for students in your class to find a permanent job upon graduation?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Environmental Behaviors
Oreg, S., Katz-Gerro, T. (2006). Predicting proenvironmental behavior cross-nationally: Values, the theory of planned behavior, and value-belief-norm theory. Environment and Behavior, 38(4), 462-483.
Lynn, P. (2014). Distinguishing dimensions of pro-environmental behavior. ISER Working Paper Series, No. 2014-19, University of Essex, Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), Colchester.
Please rate the extent to which you do the following:
B1. Leave your TV on at night. (R)
B2. Switch off lights in rooms that arent being used.
B3. Keep the tap running while you brush your teeth. (R)
B4. Put more clothes on when you feel cold rather than putting the heating on or turning it up.
B5. Decide not to buy something because you feel it has too much packaging.
B6. Buy recycled paper products such as toilet paper or tissues.
B7. Take your own shopping bag when shopping.
B8. Use public transportation rather than travel by car.
B9. Walk or bike for trips less than two or three miles.
B10. Car share with others who need to make a similar trip.
B11. Take fewer flights
B12. In the winter, I keep the heat at such a temperature that I can wear light clothing inside my house. (R)
B13. In winter, I leave the windows of my house open for long periods of time to air the house. (R)
B14. In winter, I turn off the heat in my house at night.
B15. In winter, when I leave my house for more than 30 minutes, I turn off the heat.
B16. I make the most use out of natural light.
B17. I turn off any lights I am not using.
B18. I unplug any electrical appliances I am not using.
B19. I buy biodegradable detergents to wash laundry.
B20. I buy organic products.
B21. I buy rechargeable batteries.
B22. I buy energy-efficient light bulbs.
B23. I buy products in reusable or returnable containers.
B24. After spending a day outside, I leave the site as clean as it was when I got there.
B25. I visit national parks and/or nature reserves.
B26. I try to repair leaky faucets quickly.
B27. I leave the water running in the shower until it reaches the proper temperature. (R)
B28. I try to turn off the faucet when I brush my teeth.
B29. I wait until I have a full load of laundry before putting it in the washing machine.
B30. I drive in such a way to minimize the amount of gas I consume.
B31. I sort papers and cardboard for recycling.
Environmental Knowledge
Murphy, T. P. (2004). The Second Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy. The Second Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy. Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance. Retrieved from
OBrien, S. R. (2007). Indications of environmental literacy: Using a new survey instrument to measure awareness, knowledge, and attitudes of university-aged students. Retrieved from
K1. Compared to other students in your college and/or department, how
much do you feel you know about environmental issues and problems in general?
1. A lot
2. A reasonable amount
3. A little
4. Almost nothing
5. Nothing
6. Don’t know
K2. What are your primary sources for environmental information? Check as many as applicable:
1. TV
2. Radio
3. Internet
4. Magazines
5. Newspaper
6. Classes/courses
7. Books
8. Library
9. Friends/ relatives
10. Other
11. None
K3. During the past 10 years, do you think that the overall quality of the planet’s environment has
1. Improved a lot
2. Somewhat improved
3. Stayed the same
4. Somewhat declined
5. Declined a lot
6. Don’t know
K4. What is the most common cause of pollution of streams, rivers and oceans?
Dumping of garbage by cities,
Surface water running off yards, city streets, paved lots, and farm fields,**
Trash washed into the ocean from beaches
Waste from factories
K5. Thinking about the country as a whole, how is most of the electricity in the U.S. generated?
By burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil,**
With nuclear power
Through solar energy
At hydroelectric power plants
K6. Carbon monoxide is a major contributor to air pollution in the U.S. Which of the following is the biggest source of carbon monoxide?
Factories and businesses
People breathing
Motor vehicles**
K7. What is one of the main benefits of wetlands?
Help to control global climate change
Help filter and store water before it enters lakes, streams, rivers or oceans**
Prevent the spread of undesirable plants and animals
Provide good sites for landfills
K8. What do you think is the main cause of global climate change, that is, the warming of the planet Earth?
A recent increase in oxygen in the atmosphere
Sunlight radiating more strongly through a hole in the upper ozone layer
More carbon emissions from autos, homes and industry**
Increased activity from volcanoes worldwide
You dont believe there is global climate change
K9. Many communities are concerned about running out of space in their community trash dumps and landfills. The greatest source of landfill material is
Disposable diapers
Lawn and garden clippings, trimmings and leaves
Paper products including newspapers, cardboard and packing**
Glass and plastic bottles and aluminum and steel cans
K10. Where does most of the energy that people use worldwide come from?
1. Fossil fuels***
2. Wind power
3. Hydro power
4. Nuclear power
5. Don’t know
K11. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?
1. White-tailed deer
2. Fresh water
3. Oil ***
4. Trees
5. Don’t know
K12. To maintain healthy woodlands and forests, we must:
1. Leave them alone
2. Check them every 40-50 years
3. Carefully manage them, including some trimming and cutting ***
4. Maintain abundant wildlife populations
5. None of the above
K13. Sustainable agriculture aims to…
1. Produce enough food to sustain human society
2. Meet the demand for food at any costs
3. Produce enough food while maintaining stable economic costs
4. Produce enough food while maintaining a stable environment
5. Meet the requirement for food while maintaining a healthy social, economic, and
ecological environment ***
6. Don’t know
K14. What is the most common cause for plant and animal species to become extinct?
1. Predation by other species
2. Habitat loss and fragmentation ***
3. Temperature change
4. Competition between species
5. Don’t know
K15. If one is to say a species exceeded the carrying capacity of its habitat, it means that:
1. It no longer has enough food, water, and cover available to sustain the species in its current condition for an indefinite future ***
2. It no longer has enough food, water, and cover available to sustain the species at all anymore
3. It no longer has enough food, water, and cover available to share with other species
4. None of the above
5. Don’t know
Demographic Questions
Written by researchers
Please answer the following demographic questions.
Preferred Gender
Black/African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Age __________
Name (for credit granting purposes only, your name will be deleted once credit is given)
Applied Sciences
Architecture and Design
Business & Finance
Computer Science
Environmental science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Political Science
Social Science
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